Packing, Packing, Packing
Five 50lb suitcases will accompany the five of us. Filled to the brim they will contain about 250 Siebert T-Shirts to distribute to villagers, 48 packets of schools supplies for each sponsored orphan, 20 donated t-shirts from Scott Haines, gifts to hand to people we meet (e.g. Minister of Education), quilting materials to teach the women to make quilt pieces, fabric for quilting, 150 or so little dresses made from pillowcases by the Ecumenical Sewing Group for the girls in the village, and other miscellaneous items.
We are preparing our own, personal "stuff" to take including a water bottle that has a built in filter for having potable water on us at all times, mosquito repellent along with our Malarone tablets to help prevent Malaria. Some of us have purchased clothing to wear on the trip and then leave behind with villagers.
Please pray for the acquisition of land for our ACT Centre, the resolution of some personnel issues in the village, the strategic planning of the ACT-Muko Board of Directors, the establishment of the Muko Empowerment Project business of making handcrafts to provide for earning wages and revenue for other ACT programs, assessment of getting water to the clinic, and safe travel for all of us (U.S. and Ugandans).
God is good!
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