ACT-Michigan Mission Team visit to Uganda Feb 2010 Schedule
Here is our schedule as it stands today. When in Uganda, we will be 8 hours ahead of EST in the U.S. If you want to send a message to the team, you can text my phone at 989-859-1700. To receive texts is free for me; to send them $.50 each so I likely will not reply unless you ask me to! Thanks for your prayers...
Thursday, Feb 25th
Leave for DTW at 10:00am from Waechter’s.
Leave DTW at 2:30pm for Dulles then Amsterdam
Friday, Feb 26th
Arrive Entebbe at 8:40pm (KLM #561). Pick up by the Adonai Guest House van.
Richard and Generous and Charles to greet us at airport
Saturday, Feb 27th
8:00am Christopher pick us up at Adonai Guest house to go to Turinawe’s to see the kids before we leave.
9:00am or later, leave for Kabale. The drive to Kabale will give us time (8 hours!) to talk about some of the work.
Sunday, Feb 28th
10:00am Service at All Saints Church of Uganda in Muko Marketplace (Rev. Joshua, Dr. J. David Pierce preaching)
Lunch and fellowship with partners. (provided by All Saints Church)
2:00pm Ecumenical Service in Muko Marketplace between Muko Martyr’s Church and All Saints Church. (David will be the main pastor in the service)
See clinic and possibly Habuhinga land. Meet with Blasio at Clinic to discuss the solar power and water
Monday, March 1st
AM - Meet with ACT – Muko Board (Agenda items: ACT Project Approval Process land, ACT Centre, MEP – building the business, Muko HOPE, Strategic Planning, review document from ACT-Michigan Board for project proposals.
Lunch with ACT-Muko Board – Muko Campsite
2:30 PM (Muko) - Meet Mr. Didas Mukasa (Chair LC111 Muko Sub-county) about the land for the ACT Centre
3:30 PM (Muko) Mr. Nelson Bikangiso (Muko Sub-county Chief) about the land
Meet with Blessing to discuss how Muko HOPE is going and his vision.
Tuesday, March 2nd
9:00am Meet with Kabale District Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) regarding the land
In village, meet with MEP women and leaders to plan the future of the business. (Israel and Sue) At the same time, David, Ced, Tim & Charles go to land to further investigate the site and the building possibilities and water for clinic (inspect the gravity water scheme) and inspect the solar power system. If time allows, visit the HOPE Seeds nurseries.
Lunch (at Bunyonyi Campsite Restaurant)
Sue teach quilting techniques to the MEP women. Ced teach solar cooking or water education
Wednesday, March 3rd
Spend time with Blessing visiting a few orphan homes.
Meet with the Orphans/Guardians at the ACT office for thanks/greeting/distribution of orphan packets.
Ced, Tim, David and Charles continue with land/building/water agenda
Thursday, March 4th or Friday, March 5th
8.00 – 10.00am visit children in schools – Kabale
2:30 pm. Depart our way back to Kampala, arriving around 10.30pm.
Friday, March 5th
AM Market - Purchase baskets/handcrafts to bring back
Minister of Education or Early Childhood Education officials to hear presentation about the Legacy Center and the Tote program
Other Meetings in Kampala?
Saturday, March 6th
Purchase fabrics for the Ecumenical Sewing Group
Sunday, March 7th
7:15am – 9.30 am Worship in Kampala at the Turinawe’s church St. Stephens Kisugu Church of Uganda (Rev. Huntington Mutebi) (David participate in service)
10.00 – 12.00pm Worship service at Watoto Church (Charles Tuhaise’s church that sponsors the Watoto orphanages and Children's choirs)
Fly out at 10:55pm.
I have been praying for my Dad, Tim, and the rest of the group as they continue their journey to Uganda. For some reason Delta has not updated the flight to say that you all have landed but I'm assuming it has since it's 1:00 am (EBB time) and your flight was suppose to arrive by 11:00 pm. It has been a long couple of days of travel...I pray God continues to sustain your strength and patience as you arrive in Africa.
Yes! I've heard you arrived! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! I'm praying for all of your backs and bottoms...I'm sure you're sick of sitting! I know God will have his hand in every second of your day and I pray he blesses you with a little more traveling mercies for tomorrow than you had today! Hopefully a good night sleep will revive you for your long car ride:) I love you, Dad - you're the best!