Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wow, What a Day! Part 2 (due to power outage)

Before all the orphans arrived, we managed to measure the ACT office building in preparation of purchasing it and improving it. We took pictures of the room and I sketched the back lot and showed the incline and what we will have to deal with to improve it. The very dedicated ACT volunteers arrived and we distributed their wonderful tote bags and flashlights to them as gifts. They were very happy and the leader shared they plan to be dedicated to our mission into the future.

Holly and Bill conducted a focus group of about 10 of the village men to determine if and how they might be engaged in Muko Empowerment Program. Many men do not have the opportunity to earn wages. We were so pleased that hey were most excited about the possibility of using some of their existing skills as well as receiving additional training from ACT in carpentry, brick making and carving. Holly and Bill did a fantastic job in leading this effort and I know were also pleased at the outcome.

Speaking of outcomes, our devotion today was so very perfect for our day. We read it aloud in the van on the way to the village and it allowed us to be relaxed and enjoy the process and not only be stressed about getting to the outcomes. Couldn’t have been a better devotion.

We had a very fun dinner at a small hotel in Kabale which turned out to be quite an adventure. We arrived at about 7:30 and finally were served at 9:30 after 3 complete power blackouts. Kabale town is without power tonight. As a matter of fact, I am writing the blog on my laptop and will upload it in the morning if there is power again. Ashley and I ordered hamburgers for fun and we waited until almost 10:00 for ours to arrive. We were all famished because we had eaten a peanut butter sandwich for lunch in the village. When they brought it to the table for Holly and I we all burst out laughing. The hamburger was the size of a White Castle burger. Most of the team had already finished eating and as soon as she set our burgers down, the power (generator) failed again and we sat in complete darkness. We laughed so hard. Couldn’t possibly be we are somewhat fatigued and “slap happy!”

Back to the dark hotel and to bed. We hope each of you are well and happy and enjoying the blog. We miss you and miss our lives at home but are once again being so loved by the Ugandans and experiencing such a grand partnership. May God bless you now and tomorrow.

By the way, it takes too long to upload pictures so we will share them when we return.

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